About Ben Rosenthal

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So far Ben Rosenthal has created 323 blog entries.

2Do + Hours: A Solid GTD Pair, Part 1

Last July, I wrote about discovering 2Do. The developer previewed a significant redesign of the app during the summer and announced that 2Do version 3 would launch alongside iOS 8, set for release on September 17. Also in July, I reviewed time-tracking apps including Hours, which I said I might start using. Well, I did [...]

2014-11-24T08:00:44-08:00November 24th, 2014|Apps|

New Beginnings Follow a Sad Ending

Three weeks ago was a sad day. My Mac’s fans were grinding on something, so I opened it up to clean them out. I removed some recognizable dust bunnies! Then, I put it all back together. Power… Nothing. I tried every troubleshooting tactic I knew and even researched one or two new ones I did [...]

2014-10-24T08:33:19-07:00October 24th, 2014|Hardware, Personal|

iOS 8 is here! Did You Upgrade?

iOS 8 was released this week. As Ted Landau tweeted yesterday, “iOS 8 may not look different from iOS 7 at first. But…good grief…the more you explore, the more you see change is gargantuan…in a good way.“ Two new features are already improving my productivity: Today widgets in Notification Center Continuity for phone calls Today [...]

2014-09-18T17:42:34-07:00September 18th, 2014|News|

Apple’s New Screens: Big & Small

On Tuesday, Apple hosted its annual late summer media event at The Flint Center for the Performing Arts in Cupertino. This is where Steve Jobs introduced the original Macintosh in 1984 as well as the first iMac in 1998. Rumors were flying for the past weeks about what was next to come from Apple. Many [...]

2014-09-12T09:30:34-07:00September 12th, 2014|News|

Dashboard: A Great Place for Simple Services

Dashboard is a feature of OS X that Apple launched in 2004 with version 10.4 (Tiger). Dashboard appears as an overlay or a separate space and contains widgets — little apps that provide information, status, and access to various services. For example, Apple provides widgets like calendar, calculator, weather, stocks, and dictionary. Some accept input, [...]

2019-06-23T23:48:40-07:00September 5th, 2014|Apps, Tips|

Client News: A Week of Healthy Beginnings

What a busy week! Since last week’s post, I have met with four new clients, each with her own set of needs and a different level of technical savvy than the next. Client #1: Happy Camper On Friday I met with my friend Lynn for the first time. She has a relatively new MacBook Air [...]

2014-08-29T09:30:39-07:00August 29th, 2014|Coaching|

Hours: Elegant Time Tracking

A month ago, I wrote about tracking task time, various tools I have used, and my interest in a new app called Hours. I promised a follow up post about Hours based on my experience with it. This is that post. Shifting to Hours was easy and has made my work time much more productive. [...]

2014-08-22T08:30:44-07:00August 22nd, 2014|Apps|

Gadgets of Love: Productivity in the Physical

Are you a fan of gadgets? I have always loved kitchen gadgets, desk accessories, and other products that purport to ease my daily doings. A question on one of my forums this week asked about the physical products that make our lives easier. This got me thinking about gadgets that improve my productivity. The prompt [...]

2014-08-15T08:30:33-07:00August 15th, 2014|Apps, Personal|

Email: Productive Tool or Waste of Time

Do you feel like you live in your email?! How many messages do you have in your inbox today? How many hours do you spend trawling through it every day? What about the messages you file in those umpteen other folders? For me, email has become a time-wrenching beast that steals my focus from productive [...]

2014-08-08T08:50:28-07:00August 8th, 2014|Apps, Personal|

Group Email on iOS with MailShot

“How can I send email to a group—from my iPad?” This is one of the important workflow questions my new client Beth asked me when I first met with her last week. She needs to send announcements to a few small groups and she would prefer to use her iPad than her Mac. Apple makes [...]

2014-07-31T14:08:23-07:00July 31st, 2014|Apps, Coaching|
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