About Ben Rosenthal

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So far Ben Rosenthal has created 323 blog entries.

HP Ain’t Malicious

Did you get caught by your Mac saying you can’t print because your HP software is malware? Apparently, HP instructed Apple to revoke a certification that validated the software. But there’s an easy fix. Remove the Printer Open System Preferences > Printers & Scanners. Select your HP printer that stopped working and click [...]

2024-02-11T23:43:20-08:00November 2nd, 2020|Mac Mondays|

Reorganize Your Apps

There are several approaches to finding and organizing apps on iPhone and iPad. Some users prefer all apps to be plainly visible and recognizable by icon. Others obsessively organize their apps in folders to consolidate space overall. iOS 14 (on iPhone) offers an App Library where apps can be organized automatically in categories and optionally [...]

2024-02-11T23:42:24-08:00October 19th, 2020|Mac Mondays|

Shine a Light On It

For the first several years of iPhone, it was clever that developers made flashlight apps so you could shine your camera flash in the dark. When Apple introduced Control Center in iOS 7, this function became built in. However, I’ve helped many clients discover they still have an old flashlight app, learn to use the [...]

2024-02-11T23:40:57-08:00October 12th, 2020|Mac Mondays|

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is the boon of my existence. I love it! I seek out tools that make my life easier, from the pants that carry my everyday gear to the plants that remind me that life is precious. And then there’s the Mac — and really everything Apple — designed by people who think about [...]

2024-02-11T23:39:17-08:00September 21st, 2020|Mac Mondays|

Time to Get Organized

In May, I published Mac Mondays: Interface Basics, including a section on creating folders in the Finder to organize files on your Mac. A couple months later, in Mac Mondays: Tech Check, I offered additional insight on how to clean house and categorize your stuff. Missing from these posts so far has been what to [...]

2024-02-11T23:37:13-08:00September 14th, 2020|Mac Mondays|

Make New, Friends

The File menu is the place to go for commands that make new things. As I regularly say to clients, “All New commands are in the File menu.” Perhaps “most” would be the more accurate quantifier, but that’s beside the point. Take this as an invitation to explore the top of the File menu in each [...]

2024-02-11T23:35:59-08:00September 8th, 2020|Mac Mondays|
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