I discovered SeeClickFix several years ago and have used it in Berkeley, Oakland, and D.C. to report potholes, traffic signal glitches, and more. The app partners with municipal governments so citizens can request repairs to issues they discover on their way.

What is 311?

Per Wikipedia, “3-1-1 is a special telephone number supported in many communities in Canada and the United States. The number provides access to non-emergency municipal services.”

SeeClickFix is one platform that municipalities can adopt and enable citizens to make reports about infrastructure, dumping, and other non-emergency issues.

Use SeeClickFix

If SeeClickFix is supported in your town, you can place a new request by taking a photo (or not), identifying the location, and describing the issue. If you are already in the location, the app uses Location Services on your device to identify that place. Otherwise, you can drag the map to mark the spot.

Based on the set location, SeeClickFix can recognize the associated municipality and list the categories of issues for which they accept requests. If your town doesn’t support the service, you can still make a post to the community and notify neighbors watching the area.

Participating cities can post comments on submitted requests and indicate when they have been resolved.

How do you engage with your town to report non-emergency issues? If SeeClickFix is not available in your neck of the woods, reach out to your municipality to request they consider the integration and make reporting easier.