Manage Work Spaces

In Take Control of Windows, I wrote about Mission Control and how to use it to organize and switch among windows on the screen. In that post, I briefly mentioned the ability to also segregate windows in separate spaces, but provided no instruction to do so. macOS offers Spaces as a way to declutter [...]

2024-02-10T20:17:31-08:00February 5th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Sonoma Surprises

macOS Sonoma brings some welcome features and also some unexpected settings that may confuse on first use. Overall, I’ve been happily using the new OS for the last two weeks and so far it’s working well for me. However, I’m aware of a couple of bugs related using Gallery View in the Finder and [...]

2023-12-31T19:07:44-08:00January 1st, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Intro to System Settings

Mac Mondays was born on August 13, 2018. Unrelatedly, its birthday is now also my wedding anniversary. The first entry was about System Preferences, the Mac application for specifying system-wide user experience settings. To date, I’ve published 235 editions of Mac Mondays using a Mac that contained System Preferences. I really appreciate how Apple [...]

2023-12-17T22:00:08-08:00December 18th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Keyboard Awareness

When you type on a Mac, how attentive are you to the characters your computer spits out? If you touch type, are your fingers aware of the pips that help them find their home on the keyboard? The Home Row On a U.S. English QWERTY keyboard layout, typing professionals encourage users to place [...]

2023-12-09T13:59:10-08:00December 4th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Contact Basics

Contacts is one of the Mac’s core applications for organizing and preparing to communicate. It’s been part of the Mac since 2001 (originally introduced as Address Book) and remained largely unchanged. Don’t let that concern you, though, as Contacts has been fairly well-designed and effective throughout its decades of service. While Contacts lacks some [...]

2024-02-10T20:30:43-08:00November 13th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Print Contacts

I spend very little time managing my contacts, but I know that the Contacts app on a Mac is more efficient in most respects than the same app on iPhone or iPad. It’s easy to organize contacts in groups, merge duplicates at will, delete contacts I no longer need, and even make smart groups [...]

2024-02-10T20:09:35-08:00November 6th, 2023|Mac Mondays|
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