Gadgets of Love: Productivity in the Physical

Are you a fan of gadgets? I have always loved kitchen gadgets, desk accessories, and other products that purport to ease my daily doings. A question on one of my forums this week asked about the physical products that make our lives easier. This got me thinking about gadgets that improve my productivity. The prompt [...]

2014-08-15T08:30:33-07:00August 15th, 2014|Apps, Personal|

Email: Productive Tool or Waste of Time

Do you feel like you live in your email?! How many messages do you have in your inbox today? How many hours do you spend trawling through it every day? What about the messages you file in those umpteen other folders? For me, email has become a time-wrenching beast that steals my focus from productive [...]

2014-08-08T08:50:28-07:00August 8th, 2014|Apps, Personal|

Group Email on iOS with MailShot

“How can I send email to a group—from my iPad?” This is one of the important workflow questions my new client Beth asked me when I first met with her last week. She needs to send announcements to a few small groups and she would prefer to use her iPad than her Mac. Apple makes [...]

2014-07-31T14:08:23-07:00July 31st, 2014|Apps, Coaching|

What to Do… Another Productivity Post?!

Actually, I had a really productive week! Four clients; seven billable hours; one client wants to see me more than once. I’m hoping the coming week fills in quickly. Surely there are more Mac users looking to learn new things about how to use their devices more effectively, more confidently, more happily. (Maybe I’ll hear [...]

2014-07-26T16:27:49-07:00July 26th, 2014|Apps, Coaching|

Remember That Time When…?

Many of us are required to complete some kind of timesheet. Even if filling out hours on a timesheet isn’t a necessity, we may still track our time on various projects. For freelancers, this may be useful for tracking time working for a client or just building an awareness of how long a particular task [...]

2014-07-17T13:26:34-07:00July 17th, 2014|Apps|
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