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So far Ben Rosenthal has created 323 blog entries.

Personal Automation

Did you know you can use your Apple device to automate your personal technology behaviors? For example, suppose you have poor cellular reception at home and use Wi-Fi Calling instead. You can toggle Airplane Mode when you arrive at home, rely on Wi-Fi alone while there, and switch Airplane Mode back off when you [...]

2024-02-08T20:35:10-08:00May 29th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Preview Power

Did you know your Mac has all the tools you need to crop, resize, and convert images? Preview, the default application for opening images and PDFs, includes all of these capabilities. So, whether you’re submitting pictures to your web designer, removing background elements from a family photo, or just need a smaller version of [...]

2024-02-08T19:06:30-08:00May 15th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Up Your Security

Do you feel you’re already doing everything right when it comes to Internet security? Are all your passwords in order, unique, and not created by you? Or do you still use the same one for most accounts and keep them in a notebook on your desk? With so many companies suffering breaches and having [...]

2024-02-08T18:57:40-08:00May 8th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Listen Together

Ever want to watch a movie together with a friend and keep the audio private between the two of you? In the old days, you might have used a headphone splitter with two inputs for your Mac’s one headphone port. If your headphones were wireless, you probably thought you were out of luck. In [...]

2024-02-08T15:46:26-08:00April 24th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Scroll Responsibly

There are a number of ways to scroll on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad. Left with only a mobile device touchscreen, options are more limited, while adding a keyboard provides a number of keys and shortcuts that mirror the Mac’s capabilities. Tap the Status Bar On an iPhone or iPad, there’s an easy [...]

2024-02-08T15:00:17-08:00April 3rd, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Spring-Loaded Folders

Spring-loaded folders are a way of moving or copying files through your folder hierarchy “without manually opening a single folder,” as described in O’Reilly’s Visual QuickStart Guide. This is one of the oldest features in the modern Mac operating system. In fact, it was first introduced in 1999 as part of Mac OS 9, 17 months [...]

2024-02-08T13:29:15-08:00March 20th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Email Retirement

Retiring an email address, especially one you’ve used for a decade or more, can be a tedious process and may take six months to complete. So, be patient with yourself if you choose to take this on. You might arrive on this path because your email is rife with spam, connects slowly or inconsistently, [...]

2024-02-07T22:52:58-08:00March 13th, 2023|Mac Mondays|

Coming Into View

In Desktop Reflection, I shared my two cents on how to make your digital desktop mimic your physical desktop, including consolidating items, organizing files in folders, forcing icons to align in a grid, and allowing them to be stacked with like items. The Desktop is essentially a gigantic, borderless Finder window in Icon view. [...]

2024-02-07T22:33:18-08:00March 6th, 2023|Mac Mondays|
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