About Ben Rosenthal

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So far Ben Rosenthal has created 323 blog entries.

Share Large Files

Apple device operating systems are chock full of features that can increase user productivity and flexibility. Each new release adds yet more capabilities and rarely takes any away. Unless you intently follow release announcements, though, your acquisition of new skills may depend on your own discovery — or spending time learning from your technology [...]

2024-03-10T19:30:34-07:00March 11th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Get Info

The macOS Finder has always offered a way to get information about selected files, folders, and applications. However, Get Info is an oft overlooked or unknown command in the File menu. As a result, users miss out on opportunities to learn about important item details, like size and default application, and to compare single [...]

2024-03-03T23:24:37-08:00March 4th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Stolen Device Protection

Remember the wave of iPhone thefts over the last year where thieves observed owners entering their passcode, then stole the device, quickly changed the person’s Apple ID password, and disabled Find My? In response to this, Apple recently introduced Stolen Device Protection, included as part of iOS 17.3. Part of the problem has been [...]

2025-01-05T13:32:10-08:00February 26th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Stay Alert

I find audible feedback helpful in my digital workflows and I love using sound effects to signal various actions and notifications on my devices. Sadly, over the years, Apple has become more restrictive about what actions welcome custom alert sounds. For over a decade until around 2011, I was able to use Xounds, an [...]

2024-02-18T23:09:35-08:00February 19th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Manage Work Spaces

In Take Control of Windows, I wrote about Mission Control and how to use it to organize and switch among windows on the screen. In that post, I briefly mentioned the ability to also segregate windows in separate spaces, but provided no instruction to do so. macOS offers Spaces as a way to declutter [...]

2024-02-10T20:17:31-08:00February 5th, 2024|Mac Mondays|
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