About Ben Rosenthal

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So far Ben Rosenthal has created 323 blog entries.

Hide Applications

People have all sorts of ways to hide windows from their view on a Mac. Some folks drag them off the screen, others minimize them to the Dock, and still others prefer to close windows so they don’t exist at all. However, there’s a very simple way to clear the screen of a clutter [...]

2024-06-17T00:00:49-07:00June 10th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Mail Maladies

All alliteration aside, there are a couple key problems that may originate in Mail on your Mac and cause your email experience to hit a wall. If you’re able to resolve these Mail maladies on your own, you can return to your regularly scheduled computing without having to call for help. (Coincidentally, this is [...]

2024-05-25T17:47:29-07:00May 27th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

iOS Settings Revealed

The first edition of Mac Mondays was about System Preferences and at the end of last year, I started publishing about System Settings. However, the Settings app on iPhone and iPad has received very little of my attention. On these devices, the Settings app is designed in a particular way that might seem random, [...]

2024-05-19T20:13:46-07:00May 20th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Quick Look

As often as Quick Look is among the tips I share with clients, I’m stunned that I haven’t written a post about it until now. In fact, in nearly six years, it got only a single mention: five years ago in Command Day. Quick Look is a feature of macOS that has been around [...]

2024-05-19T19:19:58-07:00May 6th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Rename Files

In Are You a Finder or a Keeper?, I outlined several ways to manipulate, organize, and navigate among files in the Finder. How to rename a file only got a brief mention, though. Let’s dive in further. Rename a Single Item Select a single item in the Finder and press the Return or [...]

2024-04-30T12:18:02-07:00April 22nd, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Products I Recommend

Clients frequently ask me to recommend products and services to support their computing experiences. To date, my short list of external displays, printers, online backup service, password manager, and others has mostly been in my head. However, I have just published the list on my website for anyone to view, with links to websites [...]

2024-03-31T00:06:08-07:00April 1st, 2024|Apps, Hardware, Mac Mondays|
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