When you need help with technology, are you up on the lingo? Do you provide enough detail about the context and your experience? Do you compose a subject that summarizes your question?

Apple provides some great documentation on how to submit effective bug reports. This is also immensely helpful in directing how you might ask me for support.

What is Your Experience?

Apple writes: “Whenever you log a new bug report, be clear and descriptive. Whether you’re providing specific feedback around a bug you’re running into or general feedback, describe your issue in detail.”

When need my help to resolve an issue, take some time to reflect on what you’re experiencing. What do you expect and what is actually occurring? Have you already taken any steps to troubleshoot the problem? Be specific about what you tried.

Summarize in the Subject

After you’ve provided thorough context, take a moment to summarize it into the subject of your email. Instead of titling your request “Question” or “Hi,” target 4–8 words that capture the essence of your issue.

It’s almost unfortunate that the Subject field is above the body when composing an email, but it’s perfectly okay to write the body first and return to the subject later. (Your email application might even notify you that you left the subject empty before it sends your message.)

Add Screenshots

Pictures are great evidence to support your description. Take screenshots (on Macmobile, and more) and attach one or two to your email.

Plus, feel free to get creative and use markup (Macmobile) to add words, shapes, etc., that highlight and further explain what’s happening or not happening.

I look forward to receiving your requests for coaching and support, headed by subjects that briefly and effectively describe your issue, and filled with context and details that, in word and picture, share your experience, troubleshooting, and curiosity.

What will you ask next?