One of the likely least used keys on your keyboard is Escape, abbreviated “esc” in the top left corner. Here are some ways to add it to your workflow and maybe increase efficiency when the going gets tough.

Cancel a Dialog

In many dialog boxes and modal windows, one of the button choices is Cancel. You needn’t seek out the cursor and click the Cancel button, though, because you can just press Escape.

Leave Full Screen Mode

Did you accidentally press the green window control and enter full screen mode? This can be startling, especially as the Menu Bar, Dock, and window controls are now hidden.

Did you know that you can mouse to the top of the screen to reveal the Menu Bar and window controls? Then, you can again click the green button. Or, you could just press Escape.

Stop Dragging an Item

During a drag-and-drop operation, you might inadvertently pick up the wrong item or be dragging the right item to the wrong folder. The easiest way to stop dragging and return to where you started is to press Escape.

Clear a Search

In any application where you’ve entered a search query, including the Spotlight Search bar, you can clear the search by pressing Escape. In Spotlight, you can then type a new query or press Escape again to dismiss Spotlight altogether.

How else might you use the Escape key to get out of a jam? What other keyboard shortcuts have you discovered recently?