Did you know you can create your own digital keyboard with exactly the functions you want? Have you ever wanted to use a non-keyboard input device to control your Mac? Apple offers some additional ways to interact.

Accessibility Keyboard

For many folks, a physical keyboard is the primary feature that distinguishes a MacBook from an iPad. Mattt Thompson takes a deep dive into why this doesn’t have to be the case.

Learn how to create your own digital keyboard for your Mac without being limited to text input or any specific character set.

Switch Control

The traditional keyboard and mouse do not need to be your only approach to Mac input. Switch Control enables any number of keys, buttons, pedals, or controllers to become methods of interaction.

Type to Siri

Did you know your voice is not the only way to interact with Siri? If you find typing easier than speaking, you can type your Siri requests instead.

This feature works on both macOS and iOS.

Looking for more accessibility features on the Mac? Just wait for macOS Catalina, coming this fall with a whole lot more!