Dust & Grime

Continuing this series of desk cleaning, how often do you dust your desk and clean accumulated grime off your devices? Many of my clients who own an iMac other desktop computer only dust off their desks thoroughly when replacing their computer. Depending on how dirty one’s space is, this can lead to other unexpected [...]

2024-09-29T19:52:25-07:00September 30th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Clean Your Desk

In Desktop Reflection, I shared some tips for making your Mac desktop mimic your physical desk. If the place you work is clean and uncluttered, do you attempt the same feat with your digital experience? A Clean Desk I spent most of yesterday cleaning my desk and very little time sitting there. I [...]

2024-09-22T21:43:18-07:00September 23rd, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Print to PDF

Did you know that any application capable of printing can generate a PDF instead? You don’t even need a printer. The Mac’s underlying ability to display still graphics on the screen has always been based on the Adobe PDF standard. Thanks to Apple’s design ingenuity, macOS has included PDF functions in the Print dialog [...]

2024-09-08T23:49:46-07:00September 9th, 2024|Mac Mondays|

Scrolling Screenshot: Capturing the Full Page

With a fancy bit of integration, iOS can take a full-page, scrolling screenshot. Using a Mac’s built-in screenshot tool, still images are limited to what’s visible on the screen at time of capture, whether the whole desktop, a selected portion, or a particular window. Using Safari on iPhone and iPad, you can take a screenshot of [...]

2024-08-25T22:51:06-07:00August 26th, 2024|Mac Mondays|
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