Input Presto Chango

Do you have an Apple Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad, or Magic Mouse with a built-in rechargeable battery? Ever need to pair it with a different Mac? It’s really easy! Just Plug It In To change the Mac paired with one of Apple’s “Magic” input devices, just connect any Lightning cable between the device [...]

2024-01-24T22:33:00-08:00January 31st, 2022|Mac Mondays|

Fancy Photo Finds

The latest version of Photos on iPhone and iPad has become significantly more capable in the areas of photo information and search. You can now add captions, adjust timestamps, add or change locations, and review face recognition. In search, you can see various categories discovered by Photos’ on-device intelligence and indexing. Get Info [...]

2024-01-23T23:02:59-08:00January 17th, 2022|Mac Mondays|

Dedupe Your Contacts

A list of contacts rife with duplicates can be a plague in one’s technology experience, especially when they contain different information. It’s often mysterious how an address book can become so cluttered. I think this condition is often caused by syncing devices with cloud accounts and/or different default accounts on each of multiple devices. [...]

2024-01-23T22:50:35-08:00January 10th, 2022|Mac Mondays|

To-Do It Together

If New Year’s is good for one thing, it’s resolving to do things you can afford to fail to do after a week or two. But at least you can make an effort to experiment with a new habit or routine. For extra motivation, make your resolution in collaboration with someone else. And keep [...]

2024-01-31T22:33:07-08:00January 3rd, 2022|Mac Mondays|

Leave a (Digital) Legacy

In the event of your demise, timely or un-, it’s valuable for loved ones and/or trusted individuals to be able to access your personal digital information. Enabling them to sign into your online accounts is a common information collection tactic recommended by estate planners. Apple has done us one better with its new Digital Legacy offering. [...]

2024-01-22T22:19:42-08:00December 27th, 2021|Mac Mondays|
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