About Ben Rosenthal

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So far Ben Rosenthal has created 323 blog entries.

Background App Refresh

On the topic of conserving iPhone battery use, many technicians will jump at the chance to suggest you turn off Background App Refresh. This is the function that permits applications to check for updates in the background when you’re not actively using them. I, however, recommend a more flexible approach: Instead of turning it [...]

2023-12-27T12:40:41-08:00March 22nd, 2021|Mac Mondays|

All About Keychains

Ever wondered about keychains? I’m sure you’ve heard of them. They often dangle from a bag or belt loop. Or entertain babies. Occasionally, they even provide the resources to open locks. The same concept plays out on your Mac and iPhone. The keys are your account names and passwords. The locks are the websites [...]

2023-12-27T11:27:33-08:00March 15th, 2021|Mac Mondays|

Take Control of Windows

You’re thinking this is a post about a competing operating system, right? How dare I?! Actually, it’s about those rectangles you use every day that provide a peek into your data, documents, and drowning — online, that is. Yes, those windows. How do you keep them organized? How do you remain focused on what matters? How [...]

2023-12-26T20:01:02-08:00March 8th, 2021|Mac Mondays|

RSS: Remove Subscription Stimulation?

Overflowing inboxes is a hot topic among my clients and I regularly help folks form a habit of unsubscribing from email newsletters they aren’t reading. But what about the content you do want to read sometimes and just don’t want competing for your attention? To remove subscription stimulation, there’s Really Simple Syndication (RSS). RSS is a way [...]

2023-12-26T13:30:29-08:00February 22nd, 2021|Mac Mondays|

Big Sur Prize

Have you been anxiously awaiting my approval to upgrade to macOS Big Sur? Get some insight to ensure you and your Mac are ready for a whole new world. Okay, maybe not entirely new, but there are some revolutionary changes in this version of macOS. Be prepared so your eyes and hands aren’t visually [...]

2023-12-23T21:29:37-08:00January 25th, 2021|Mac Mondays|

SeeClickFix: 311 Nationwide-ish

I discovered SeeClickFix several years ago and have used it in Berkeley, Oakland, and D.C. to report potholes, traffic signal glitches, and more. The app partners with municipal governments so citizens can request repairs to issues they discover on their way. What is 311? Per Wikipedia, “3-1-1 is a special telephone number supported in many communities in Canada [...]

2024-02-12T00:09:54-08:00January 19th, 2021|Mac Mondays|
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