In Remove Subscription Stimulation, I discussed the value of RSS for reading news online. What news, you may ask? Here are some of the sources I follow for information about Apple-related products and services, and some tidbits from those publishers.

Mac News

My primary Mac news providers are The Mac Observer, which also hosts the Mac Geek Gab podcast; Macworld, whose print magazine I received for several years starting in 2000; and 9to5Mac, a creation of Seth Weintraub.

Recently, The Mac Observer has shared with me another way to organize digital files and featured a methodology for how to predict what Apple will do next.

From 9to5Mac, I’ve learned about last month’s LinkedIn breach and next month’s price increase at Backblaze, Google’s consolidation back to a Google Drive app for both personal and business users, and Zoom’s launch of integration with third-party apps.

I previously treated MacRumors as primarily a Mac rumor blog, but it’s evolved into another news site where just last week I learned about Apple’s new webpage dedicated to highlighting the performance and cost benefits of using a Mac in a business setting.

[Update: As of 2022, Mac Geek Gab separated from The Mac Observer.]

Mac Blogs

I don’t follow that many Mac blogs anymore. One of the best is MacStories, where Federico Viticci and others have been publishing long form news and reviews since 2009. Other World Computing has a good blog, Rocket Yard, that regularly offers some useful tips to getting the most out of your Apple products. However, I find technical errors in many of these posts.

The rest are associated with developers of apps I use, such as Shirt Pocket Watch from David Nanian, who makes SuperDuper!, an app for cloning a Mac drive; and Omni Mouth from OmniGroup, makers of OmniFocus, OmniPlan, OmniGraffle, and OmniWeb — my favorite web browser until several years ago. [Update: As of 2024, I have ended my reading of these two blogs as I no longer use their apps.]

Mac Extras

There are a few other sources I enjoy digesting. Apple has long hosted movie trailers. The webpage shows its age but my RSS links connect to the Trailers app on iPad, which is where I most enjoy watching them. Mostly from watching trailers I add movies of interest to my list, which I keep in TodoMovies.

Additionally, for most of the years that I’ve coached Mac users, I’ve also sought avenues to provide free support online. Once upon a time, I was a regular contributor on, which continues to be a Mac support forum. These days, I read and respond to posts on the Mac Geek Gab forums and via the Internet Only Mac Users Group (I/O MUG).

[Update: In 2023, Apple dropped its Trailers website and RSS feed, making my access to trailers less flexible. Meanwhile, Mac Geek Gab transitioned its forums to Discord, where I’m an active participant and moderator.]

Where do you learn about technology? What news sources are you discovering? How can I help you find information that is most valuable to you?